Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Is Gum Disease linked to Fertility?

In a recent study conducted in Australia, Dr. Roger Hart, a professor at the University of Western Australia, concluded for the first time that from the time when she starts trying to conceive, a woman's chance of becoming pregnant might be directly related to how well she takes care of her oral hygiene. This is the first published study that investigates the connection between gum disease and a woman's fertility. The SMILE project tested 3,400 pregnant women, and found that women with gum disease took on average, 2 months longer to conceive than women without gum disease. Non Caucasian women were most affected; they were estimated to take 12 months or longer to conceive if affected by gum disease. Hart suggested that this group of women may have been the most affected because they also appeared to have the highest level of inflammatory response when suffering from Periodontitis. For more information on the SMILE, or the relationship between gum disease and pregnancy, please visit,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

MIS Implants creates new Perio product!

MIS Implant technologies, a manufacturer of dental implants has announced the launch of their new oral care product line, PeriZone. The first product in the PeriZone line is a topical patch designed to absorb wounded matter in the mouth called the PerioPatch, (designed like a bandaid for your ulcerations). PeriZone was created for patients with inflamed or irritated gums, wounds, injuries, and ulcerations caused by irritation or natural causes. The PerioPatch creates a protective bond over the affected area, providing pain relief, and advanced healing, and the seal it creates around the wound protects from future irritation caused by eating, brushing, etc. For more information on where and when you can find this product, visit

Monday, June 13, 2011

Is it Time for a New Toothbrush?

There has been studies conducted in the US and UK recently on the potential health risks of changing your tooth brush infrequently, and the potential health risks at stake. UK's largest Oral health charity has stated that toothbrushes need to be changed more frequently before they can develop a "breeding ground" for bacteria and other germs. Yikes! Previous studies show that toothbrushes have actually been the cause of many repeated infections in the mouth. The bristles can hold and reproduce bacteria, which can in turn disperse organisms leading to disease throughout the body. "They may seem like an insignificant tool but they form a fairly crucial part of our daily routine, and although tooth brushes are used twice a day for months on end, they are rarely cleaned thoroughly, and often kept in warm, moist conditions, ideal for bacterial growth," said Dr. Carter. By replacing your toothbrush more often, you can prevent avoidable illness and inflammation in the mouth, and prevent reoccurring infection following a cold or other sickness. A dirty toothbrush can be the cause of a ear, nose or throat infection!
There are products on the market claiming to disinfect toothbrushes, however the effectiveness is debatable. Changing your tooth brush often may seem like an excessive expense, but losing a chunk of your income to preventable dental work, prescriptions, or over the counter Meds for oral health might pose a greater dispense. For the full article, please visit

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Congrats to Dr. Suzuki- Dually Boarded Specialist by the ICOI & ABP

We'd like to congratulate our very own Dr. Suzuki, who has been boarded by the American Academy of Periodontology, and is now a dually boarded specialist by the ICOI, International Congress of Oral Implantologists, and the ABP, American Board of Periodontology- a very rare and exciting combination of accredits. Dr. Suzuki's achievements are profound, especially for a Doctor in his age group, and we're extrememly proud to announce his success.

Monday, May 16, 2011

ADA Products Found Faster

When you're searching for safe and reliable dental products, most of the time you're reliant on that ADA seal of acceptance to guide you along the way. The ADA is taking that extra step to help consumers find reliable products with the creation of their new website that will present detailed information on all ADA accepted products, making it convenient for consumers as well as Hygienists and Dentists when discussing oral care. The website allows users to compare 6 products at a time, and has a database of over 300 products to date. For more information on that launch of this website, and where to find more information on all ADA certified products, please visit

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lost or confused with your oral health issues? Peer to Peer Healthcare

If you've found yourself confused, or lost with your oral health issues and aren't getting the support you need from friends and family, call your health care provider to walk you through your treatment plan. One outlet with today's limitless technology has allowed patients to connect with Peer to Peer health care online. A national survey showed one in four Internet users with a chronic disease said they had gone online to find others with similar health care issues for support, (23%). The same study also found 15% of other Internet users who report no chronic conditions have sought refuge in others online as well. When asked about the last time they had a health issue, 70% of adults in the U.S. said they received information, care, and support from a health care professional. After receiving oral treatment, know there are many options available for followup care. For more information on these support groups, visit

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dr. Suzuki featured in Implant Dentistry publication

We're pleased to announce that an article by our own Dr. Kevin Suzuki will be featured in an upcoming issue of IMPLANT DENTISTRY, the flagship publication of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, (ICOI). The upcoming article based on the study "Long-term histopathologic evaluation of bio active glass and human-derived graft materials in Macaca fascicularis mandibular ridge reconstruction" was written by Kevin R. Suzuki, DMD, MS, Carl E. Misch, DDS, MDS, Gabriel Arana, DDS, Thomas E. Rams, DDS, MHS, Jon B. Suzuki, DDS, PhD, MBA. The article is a collaboration of their findings from the study that took place at the CEMIC institute in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The study evaluated long-term clinical and histological characteristics of alveolar ridge bone regenerated by two different types of bone graft materials in a Macaca fascicularis (non-human primate) species animal. It compared bio active glass (alloplast) with human demineralized bone matrix (xenograft). Numerous particles of non-resorbed bio active glass graft material, but not human demineralized bone matrix, were found in four-year post-treatment bone core biopsies of regenerated bone in M. fascicularis mandibular alveolar ridge reconstructions.
Their research found that long term the alloplastic material did not completely turnover to normal bone. There were still original graft particles present which could question how effective the synthetic material may be to prepare a site for placement of an implant.
For more information on the IMPLANT DENTISTRY publication please visit,