Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Today it's perfectly ok to indulge with your loved ones, so have a few candies or sweets to satisfy your craving. In the greater scheme of things, we want you to know how important it is to take care of that precious mouth of yours, so here are a few reminders to keep your smile as healthy as possible:
Adults above the age of 35 lose far more teeth to periodontal disease than they do to cavities. As you get older, it is increasingly important that your dentist is completing regular periodontal exams on you, because without them, you may not know when a problem is sneaking up on you. The best way to prevent Periodontal disease and cavities is by good tooth brushing and flossing techniques performed daily, and regular professional exams and cleanings. Unfortunately even with the best home dental care, some people will still form a degree of periodontal disease. Once this process begins, that's where we come in handy- It's necessary for professionals to step in to prevent it's progression.

Other factors affecting gum disease:
-Tobacco usage
-Grinding teeth
-Poor nutrition

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