Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Aid for Tsunami/Earthquake victims in Japan

Since news spread across the world last Thursday of the natural disasters hitting Japan, the first thing running through most of our minds was, how can I help? As human beings, even if we don't know anyone directly affected by the earthquake/ tsunami disaster, we're still driven to act wherever we can. In an effort to spread the word through social media, Puget Sound Periodontics would like to acknowledge ways you can help support the victims in Japan, even when you're thousands of miles away. The Red Cross, GlobalGiving, and the Salvation Army have set up fundraisers for the Japan relief effort, among others. Please visit the NewsFeed article pinpointing what you can do to help today, http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/03/11/five-ways-you-can-help-earthquake-and-tsunami-victims-in-japan/

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